Audio:QS071301.AIF C-box: BallLoc:30,172;43,222;68,80;96,162;89,190;108,129;124,135;108,250;107,277;228,43;202,105;225,185;223,218;208,238;211,309;215,337;299,122;317,223;398,101;393,147 LineNum:353;350;352;352;352;352;352;353;353;359;352;352;357;357;357;357;351;350;356;354 GeoBytesUsed:5 PaletteNeutralPic: A-box or Headline5:N/A A-box or Headline6:N/A Correct:Pavise*QS071302.AIF* Wrong 1:Flanchard Wrong 2:Plackart Wrong 3:Pollaxe Wrong 4:Pike Wrong 5:Lance Wrong 6:Pauldron Wrong 7:Couter Wrong 8:Vambrace GeoByte1:Archers took shelter behind these tall shields as they reloaded their crossbows during battle. GeoByte2:The use of shields goes all the way back to ancient times. GeoByte3:Coats of arms on shields served to identify the bearers. GeoByte4:Pavises were used to protect archers during siege operations. GeoByte5:This large rectangular shield was carried by foot soldiers. GeoByte6: GeoByte7: GeoByte8: GeoByte9: GeoByte10: FirstPictCast:[] VideoReward:HP070020.MOV Palette:#default StartVideo:#none EndVideo: HiliteStopIndex:2 Glossary Start Glossary End